Thursday, February 20, 2014

Technology : Viral To Virus



      “You have power over your mind, not outside events” –Marcus Aurelius.

       Right now, gadgets and computer games are very popular, but are they dangerous? These could be dangerous in 2 ways, both physically and psychologically. If we play too much, we either lose “something” or gain “something” from it. “Something” could mean either friends, knowledge, or money.

   Physically, we can hurt our eyes from computer radiation. We could prevent, or reduce the damage in several ways. First, by sitting straight. This seem ridiculous, but it is an important thing. Then another way is to keep the distance of the screen approximately 30 cm from our eyes. But still, the greatest way to prevent lies in ourselves and our own self- control.

       Psychologically, computer games and gadgets could hinder our social life. They could be “addicted” with those gadgets and games. These people are usually called neets. They are usually considered trash of the society. But these people usually have their own problems. In most cases, broken home and bullying are the main cause of meets.

      Also, most marketing strategy of those gadgets makers are “shady”, in some ways. When they release a new gadget, the old one are abandoned and will be less effective. This could be frustrating, especially when workers are given privileges for a new gadget, this would cause confusion and issues for the worker.

      Considering the expensive price for gadgets, these could be sold for a huge amount of money. This is the “roots” of crime on the streets. Another contribution of the city’s already dangerous streets’ dangers.

       Another crime caused by the gadgets are cyberbullying. There are countless people that suicide due to this issue. These all happens on social medias such as facebook.  This is a really important issue , as it have killed countless people over tiny, little, unimportant arguments.

       In every way, self-control is really important when we are using gadgets as a important utility of our life. Also remember to be careful when we are bringing those in the streets, and our behavior in social media.

( By : Rambo - Robin )