Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome to School Year 2014 - 2015

                For new and old students, welcome to our new school year! Welcome also to the new Grade 7 students for entering junior high. From here on, don’t expect the lessons to be as easy as it was in elementary. Since there will be no more assistant teachers, you have to do everything by yourself unlike during elementary. So, prepare to be independent, don’t rely too much on the teachers. You also have to learn time management.

                Junior school is much different than elementary. Your class last year might be different than yours this year, so be prepared for anything! We can only show the gate. What inside is a mystery. The  We’ll also have a student council for junior high, and we’ll have our activities separated from the elementary unlike what happened last year. Other than activities, we’ll also have competitions to participate in such as sports competition and also competition in academics.  But be focused in your study, since you will also be relying on your academic grades to pass in grade 9, other than your UN grades.
                The lesson will also be different. Language arts is divided into 2, ESL and EFL. EFL is more advanced, and is really hard. In science, there is now physic and biology, and it can be really hard, so be prepared!
                Other than that, the teachers will be teaching you in a different way when you were in elementary. They will be more strict in some ways. But still, enjoy your junior high life as much as possible, since this kind of experience will only come once in a lifetime. You can’t go back anymore once you have passed junior high. This memory will be engraved in your brain until you probably become an adult, and reminiscing it will bring back the good memories you made in junior high. So, have fun!


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