Tuesday, February 18, 2014

She in Sports


      Are sports only for men? In the ancient Olympics, participation was only limited to males only until the society made a change and its attitude toward women, which is good and encouraging.


     Women participated for the first time at the 1900 Paris Games with the inclusion of women's events in lawn tennis and golf. Over time more women events were added.



     The IOC is committed to gender equality in sports. The Olympic Charter, Rule 2, paragraph 7, states that: “The IOC’s role is to encourage and support the promotion of women in sports at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women.”


     Sports are activities that challenge people physically and mentally. Sports can provide a positive learning that could enhance people’s confidence. Sports give peoples valuable experience in good sportsmanship and teamwork. Sports teach the benefits of hard work and how to have fun at the same time. So both genders can benefit through sports.


     Moreover, sports are good for our health. The report from the United Nations Inter – Agency Task force on Sport for Development and Peace States that young people can benefit from physical activity as it contributes to develop healthy bones, efficient heart; lungs function and improve motor skills and cognitive function.


     Nowadays, sports are not only for men but also for women. Women can join all sports. Sports are good for our bodies. Both men and women can benefit through sports. Sports can also be one of the choices to socialize and made friends. This is a very good change in our society.


( By : Kyuubi - Tanita Grace )



-      http://www.sportanddev.org/en/learnmore/sport_and_health/the_health_benefits_of_sport_and_physical_activity/


-      http://registration.olympic.org/en/faq/detail/id/135