Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Speech-Fest 2014 : The Beginning

We got many positive comments from this year’s speech-fest. Some critiqued, some suggested, and even a few gave trivial comments. Many suggested about bravery, more training, confidence, loudness and clarity.
Everyone had their own opinions. To them, some people did a good speech, and some did not in their opinion. Some showed bias to the speakers. Even so,  a very few speakers did not memorize their speeches, did some mistakes, or probably spoke too soft or loud, or did not speak clearly during their speech. This might be the source of the comments saying like; some talked too fast, some have to overcome their stage fright, some have to speak clearly, some have to improve their hand gestures and voice, some have to be more active, etc. Well, it might be true that some people did a few mistakes in the audience’s eyes. But to the speakers, they are already doing their best to overcome their stage fright to deliver their speech.
On the other hand, some positive thoughts were given. Having all these critics and positive comments will surely make the speakers try to improve themselves. Those comments like; good job, nicely done, very good, the speakers were good and their voices were good, etc. These will motivate them for sure. One student even commented that she wants the speakers to do better on next year’s speech-fest, and this is a boost for the confidence of students. This proves that the speakers have done a really good job on this year’s speech-fest, and there might be more positive comments later. We just hope that next year, there will be another successful speech-fest! 

( By : Banshee - Elvira )       

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